Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chapter Four: Progression

It has been quite some time since I last gave an entry to this blog, and updated you all on our status. We are doing great, and have successfully landed quite a few clients. We have started several projects to get our name out there, and one of them is changing our public name to 13south. We have done this because it is easier and shorter than saying “Hi, we are from Wesner & Graham Web Services Inc.” We can now just say “Hi, We are from 13south” and it sounds more techy and flashy.
We also have launched a website that is designed to help, promote, and serve the musical industry, it is called Further Me.  What this website does is pretty simple and straight forward. It is designed to be a community of bands, musicians and talented people. Artists can sign up and upload their music and videos, and there friends can sign up as fans and help promote the artists, and build a huge online community. The website has built in blogs, homepages, and television and radio stations for the artists to share their music and videos. The website can be found at http://www.furtherme.com.
Oh, and we built in an advertising system so adds can be placed on the radio stations and video channels.
So as you can see Austin and I have been busy at work making this business into a successful one, and our brains are constantly spinning out great ideas every day.
One of the hardest tasks that we have found so far is promoting the business. We have hundreds of great ideas, but getting these ideas into the move is bigger task than we have ever imagined that and finding personal time for ourselves and those around us.
Keep checking back for updates on what we are doing, and how we are progressing!

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